Minor Travel Impacts Expected Due to Weak Storms; Snow Chances Continue into Next Week

Minor Travel Impacts Expected Due to Weak Storms; Snow Chances Continue into Next Week

A few weak storm systems may bring minor travel impacts to the area Friday morning and again on Saturday. On Friday morning, there is a low chance for a mix of light sleet, snow, and freezing rain, especially north of Interstate 70. A light glaze of ice is possible. Next system comes late Friday night in the form of light rain, switching to a rain/snow mix and all snow by Saturday afternoon as a strong cold front sweeps through. Temperatures initially in the 30s quickly fall to the teens and 20s by the afternoon. Total snow accumulations are less than an inch. Very cold wind chills down to 15 degrees below zero settles in Sunday morning. Additional disturbances next week carry more snow chances, particularly on Tuesday.

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